Why choose Taurumi?

At TAURUMI™, our unwavering commitment to excellence extends to the meticulous selection of ingredients in the creation of our Massage Cream. We proudly utilize only natural ingredients, guaranteeing the highest quality product for sport and general massages to alleviate pain and inflammation. Furthermore, TAURUMI™ Massage Cream is completely free of any parabens, underscoring our dedication to providing a wholesome and effective solution for our valued clientele.

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    Arnica is topically applied to address various conditions, such as bruises, sprains, muscle aches, wound healing, superficial phlebitis, joint pain, insect bite inflammation, and bone fracture swelling. Recent research indicates potential efficacy in burn treatment.


    Hypericum, commonly known as John's Wort, is utilized for nerve pain (neuralgia), anxiety, tension, weakness, stress, irritability, insomnia, and pain relief associated with certain conditions.


    Calendula is frequently employed as a complementary or alternative therapy due to its noteworthy properties. Calendula oil possesses anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial attributes, rendering it potentially beneficial in wound healing, alleviating eczema, and soothing diaper rash.


    Peppermint oil when used in a massage, has been found to eliminate harmful bacteria from the skin, to relieve muscle spasms and flatulence, to disinfect and soothe inflamed skin, and release muscle tension. When diluted with a carrier oil and rubbed into the feet, it can work as a natural fever reducer.


    leaf contains an aspirin-like chemical that might reduce pain, swelling, and fever. Wintergreen leaf is used for painful conditions including headache, nerve pain (particularly sciatica), arthritis, ovarian pain, and menstrual cramps. It is also used for digestion problems including stomach-ache and gas (flatulence); lung conditions including asthma and pleurisy; pain and swelling (inflammation); fever; and kidney problems.


    Rosemary Essential Oil contains powerful antiseptic and medicinal properties that are known to assist with overall health and well-being.


    Capsicum, also known as red pepper or chili pepper, is an herbal remedy sourced from the fruit of the capsicum plant, containing capsaicin, a compound recognized for its pain and swelling reduction properties. Capsicum finds common application in managing nerve pain and various painful conditions, while also addressing digestion issues and heart and vascular conditions. FDA-approved creams and lotions containing capsaicin offer temporary relief for chronic pain associated with several conditions, including back pain. Capsaicin applied inside the nose can mitigate the frequency and severity of cluster headaches. Additionally, the application of 0.025% capsaicin to the skin can ameliorate osteoarthritis symptoms and reduce acute pain stemming from traumatic injuries.